Select Your Plan
No hidden fees, equipment rentals, or installation appointments.
Free Plan
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline
Diamond Plan
€9.99 per Month.
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline
Platinum Plan
€39.99 every 2 Months.
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline
Demo layout 2
Choose The Plan That Suits For You
We present 3 packages that you can choose to start watching various movies you like at low prices and according to your needs
Free Plan
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline
Diamond Plan
€9.99 per Month.
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline
Platinum Plan
€39.99 every 2 Months.
- Get unlimited access to thousands of shows and movies with limited ads
- Watch on your favorite devices
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Download from thousands of titles to watch offline